Worship Arts
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Over the years a contemporary sound of praise and worship has emerged throughout the world and has been embraced by churches all over the world. Vision Community Church Music Ministry will be a reflection of ministering, reaching and influencing people to worship through music. The worship will be transforming because our music will enable people to enter into new dimension and atmosphere of praise and worship to the Lord. Our music will reflect the heart of our church as we worship God in spirit and truth.



We desire to help in the restoration of dance as a worshipful part of the life of the Vision Community Church, by exploring with our congregation the part that movement and action can play in the expression of faith. It gives movement to 'inspiration'. Worship is expressed in many fashions, one of the most visual being dance. Our dance ministry strives to minister to people through the moves of our dance ministry


Technical Arts

On the surface, it seems pretty simple. But they're an aspect of life that reaps great rewards! And the Media Arts teams will be committed to proclaiming the gospel of Christ through the technology tools of Sound, Lights, and Video. And although you may perceive it as difficult, technology today is becoming more and more user-friendly! It's a thrill to watch the inventions of today be a vessel of ministry for God! If you have a call to serve in this ministry we would love to have you.


Graphic Arts

A picture is worth a thousand words. We've all experienced a stirring our emotions by a single image, laughter, sadness, frustration and compassion. Pictures and videos are incredibly expressive and a wonderful illustration of our imaginative God. That's what our Graphic Arts Ministry will do, to use the powerful medium of sight to honor God and to appeal to the imagery of our souls.


So, if you're a photographer, video tech, a painter or sketch artist, someone who's messed around with any graphic software, or have an 'eye' for layout and design we'd love to explore the opportunity of God using you within this ministry.